MATT . .

he / him / his

seventeen .. american .. unlabeled
artist .. writer .. worldbuilder

heya my name is matthew / sean / scott / ian / etc .. i am a young, primarily digital, amateur artist and hobbyist writer with a plethora of original characters belonging to a number of different settings .. most of my characters exist in fantasy worlds that take inspiration from The Realm of the Elderings, Soulsborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, Elder Scrolls, Game of Thrones, and more ..



my content contains a multitude of triggering themes including the following : violence (including political violence), death (including violent death and familial death), self harm, abuse, substance abuse (primarily alcohol), and sexual assault.


you fit basic DNI criteria (this is not a safe space for you), you identify or agree with proshipers / anti-antis, you identify as a terf or swerf, you participate actively in lgbt discourse.


art, writing, worldbuilding, storytelling, coding, sewing lil guys, fantasy (high and dark), gothic horror, Dungeons and Dragons, Critical Role, Dark Souls, Demon Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, Game of Thrones, The Realm of the Elderlings (the Farseer Trilogy, the Liveship Traders Trilogy, etc.), Minecraft, nuclear history, fish.